We celebrate the 100th blog entry with a some vibrant colour. As summer fades away, there is still plenty to see in our garden. The sunflowers are basking in the sunshine and the garden is full of wildlife including egyptian and canadian geese, bees, bats and plenty more.
Work has begun on renovating the pond. It didn't survive last winter and funding has been found to replace it with a new one ready for the next season. Ponds play an important role in the biodiversity of any wildlife garden. The provide breeding space for dragonfly, frogs and toads and are source of water for birds and mammals. If
you have space, think about creating your own. More information can be obtained from various organisations including http://www.pondconservation.org.uk/
We also have good news for cyclists. Users of Boris' bike scheme will be delighted to discover we have a bike docking station next to the entrance to our garden. (Just visible in the photograph above. There are three in The Regent's Park area, the other two are at ZSL London Zoo, one opposite the main entrance and the other in the main Zoo carpark. So, next time your pedalling around town, pop in and see our garden!
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Hello! I just found this blog and I heartily enjoy it. I'm a Californian and love all wildlife. I like seeing pictures of British Wildlife, as I have British ancestry. Thank you very much! :)
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