
Spring planting complete

This previous week has seen the completion of all the planting to be done this spring. A group from the Centre of Filipinos came in to plant the remaining empty raised bed. Some of the plants they put in were ones that they had sown the seed for, nearly a year ago.

On Saturday the remaining plants were put into the two beds by volunteers and some of the marginal plants were put around the ledges of the pond. We will be buying some pond oxygenating plants such as hornwort and water violet now they are into the nurseries. These plants grow in the water and keep the water high in oxygen content, allowing animals to thrive.


Raised bed planted

A fine day last week when the raised bed was planted by a local Chinese community group. It was great fun finishing off the bed and the group also planted some seeds in pots to take away for their own window ledges.

This raised bed is full of scented plants including those whose night-time aroma attracts moths. We are looking forward to the rest of the planting being completed this week.

We are hoping still for some rain as the garden is becoming dryer and the shrubs and hedges in particular will start struggling. There is a posibility of a shower later in the week - we'll keep our fingers crossed!


Sunshine in the garden

Many of the flowers are out and blooming already and the sunshine is making everything look wonderful. Already Holly blue and Speckled wood butterflies have been spotted.

The rest of the planting is due to be completed in the next 2 weeks and then the garden will start to look finished with the pond and raised beds being the final areas to plant.

We are hoping for some rain this week, though the forecast is predicting sunshine, so that our plants can really settle in. Watering is more important for plants during their first year planted out as their roots aren't established.